National Crime Agency

Type: Public Sector

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Our mission

Organised crime is one of the gravest threats to our national security - blighting communities, ruining lives and costing the UK well over £20 billion every year. Organised crime can feel distant from most peoples’ day to day lives, but it affects us all.  From the sexual exploitation of children to the smuggling of illegal firearms, cyber crime, human trafficking and modern slavery - serious and organised crime is everywhere.

Our role is to protect the public from the most serious threats by disrupting and bringing to justice those serious and organised criminals who present the highest risk to the UK.

How we work

Serious and organised crime is a global phenomenon.  Threats such as cyber crime, modern slavery and organised immigration crime do not respect borders and cannot be tackled in isolation. The partnerships we’ve built with police, law enforcement, the public sector, private industry and internationally are fundamental to our success.

We lead our own operations, develop and disseminate intelligence to partners, support and coordinate national and international activity, recover assets and prevent and disrupt criminal activity.  We also provide specialist operational capabilities such as offender profiling and serious crime analysis to support police and partners in law enforcement.

We operate across the UK, respecting the devolution of policing in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Our people

Our 4,200 officers are based across the UK and in strategic locations around the world.

There’s no such thing as a ‘typical’ NCA officer.  We come from different backgrounds and cultures, speak different languages and have different skills and experiences. Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths.  Our officers work in a wide range of roles, from investigations to intelligence, child protection, strategy, communications, facilities and finance. Whatever their role, all of our officers play a vital part in the success of our mission.

What unites us and motivates us is our dedication and commitment to protecting the public from serious and organised crime.  It is our privilege to do so. We are proud to protect.

Current opportunities

Closed opportunities